Please ensure that you read and understand the terms and conditions as set out by The Women's Wellness Club.
Payment is made via the cash or bank transfer on the day of your treatment. Exceptions to this may apply; for instance, repeat last minute cancellations or rebookings will require an upfront payment to secure an appointment.
Please refrain from attending an appointment if you are unwell. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to make your appointment. Individuals who do not show up to an appointment without prior notice will be required to pay a 50% non-refundable deposit should they wish to book another appointment. TWWC reserves the right to charge a 50% no show fee to individuals who do not attend an appointment.
Data Protection
TWWC fully adheres to the General Data Protection Act and will not pass your information on to any third party.
Our terms and conditions may need to be changed or updated from time to time. TWWC will inform you of any changes that take place - you have fourteen days to opt out of these changes. If you choose to opt out, please do so in writing. If you do not opt out, TWWC will assume you are happy with the terms and conditions.
TWWC reserves the right to withdraw ​service provision to individuals who do not comply with the terms and conditions set out.